Diagnostic Service at AshaKiran - Key Features

In every possible way we aim to bring down the cost of treatment so that no patient is deprived of cure on the lines of affordability. Hence, we charge almost 50% lesser for most of the lab services than what is being charged by most pathology labs. For special cases where the financial condition of the patient is very bad, we have gone out of the way and given more than 50% discount.We have always focused on investing on quality and technology. Hence our pathology labs are fully equipped with high-end instruments, providing accurate results and also information on the quality of sample provided to these instruments, thus leaving no opportunity for error.Most of the tests are done in our own pathology lab and hence we can guarantee the accuracy and genuineness of the results. In a few cases we need to outsource the task of testing but we ensure our lab partners are genuine and have well equipped instrument to provide accurate results.
  1. Digital X-Ray

  2. Ultra Sound

    • Sonography
    • 2D Echo
    • Color Doppler
  3. Following is the team that runs the Pathology lab:

    • Dr. Ganesh Bahirwade – MBBS MD Pathology
      Consultant Pathologist

    • Mrs. Vaishali Patil – B. Sc.B. M. Tech :
      Lab Technician
  4. Dialysis
  5. ECG